Canoe polo rules

According to the regulations, the team consists of 8 players. In the main lineup are 5 people, 3 more remain in the substitution. Back substitutions are allowed. The size of the field is 35×23. Gates hang at a height of 2 meters. The game consists of two halves of 10 minutes each. Naturally the team that scores the most goals wins. In the playoffs the golden goal rule applies. In canoe polo, 1 goal is 1 point in the total score of the match. What is interesting, players are allowed to push their opponents. The main thing is not to hit your opponent’s hands with a paddle. This is how each match starts.

With such a dynamic start, canoe polo thrills the fans from the first minutes. The guys, who develop incredible speed in their kayaks, literally wrestle the ball from each other. The speedy attacks, powerful throws and uncompromising fight for the ball do not let the audience breathe. But, of course, no words can describe what it feels like to watch live.

Canupolo is a spectacular and exciting game. The explosive start, where two sprinters from different teams try to get the ball! In the flicker of oars and splashing water the attacks are rapidly developing. The ball moves unpredictably from one team to the other and the players, without hiding their emotions, fight for it, pushing and turning over each other, adrenaline rushes over the edge. And the spectator, with bated breath, follows the game, the finale of which is impossible to predict.

Canupolo is a team game. In a playful and relaxed form it contributes to the development of such personal traits as: responsibility for the overall result, the ability to act as a team, the need to think about protecting your players, discipline, determination, perseverance, self-control, determination, courage. One for all and all for one, one word – the team!

Canupolo game tactical. And here, in addition to activity, pressure and physical capabilities, no less important is the ability to think strategically, some amount of cunning and wisdom. Any physically strong team that does not know the tactics, will be easily defeated by a weaker, but experienced. That’s why canupolo is not only a game of muscles, but also a game of the mind!